Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Are hollyhock petals poisonous?

A friend of mine raises hollyhock flowers and planted them next to where he had his goldfish (they're very large goldfish, in case that matters). The petals fell off of his flowers and into the water, and each of his fish died. He thinks the hollyhocks were to blame, so my question is, are the petals poisonous?

Are hollyhock petals poisonous?
I know that they are to dogs, cats, ect. (even small children) if eaten but i've never heard of them hurting fish.... I guess its possable.
Reply:We used to have hollyhocks though I never heard if they were poisonous.

We never ate them nor did our dog or cats.

Don't know about fish.

I got tired of all the tall stiff stems to cut down in the fall so now I keep them mowed off.

They were pretty, though.

shoe buckles

1 comment:

  1. I recently had a fish kill in my fish pond and I believe that hollyhock seeds may be the source of the toxin. I allowed hollyhocks to grown around my fish pond and when the first monsoon winds came about a third of my fish (gambusia)died. They had an arched back and looked like they had been poisoned I skimmed out the debris and changed about a quarter to a half of the water for three days in a row and the pond has recovered. Some baby fish have managed to survive due to the depleted number of adults so the general fish population is that same as before. Now I'm keeping the hollyhock trimmed back well away from the fish pond. My yard is covered with hollyhock seeds and the birds don't seem to like them but our hummingbirds love the blossoms so I'm going to allow them to grow where they aren't likely go get in the pond.
